Schöffski P, Awada A, de la Bigne A, Felloussi Z, Burbridge M, Cantero F, Colombo R, Maruzzelli S, Ammattatelli K, de Jonge M, Aftimos P, Dumez H, Sleijfer S
Eur J Cancer (2022), 169 (135-145)
Home / First-in-man, first-in-class phase I study with the monopolar spindle 1 kinase inhibitor S81694 administered intravenously in adult patients with advanced, metastatic solid tumours
Schöffski P, Awada A, de la Bigne A, Felloussi Z, Burbridge M, Cantero F, Colombo R, Maruzzelli S, Ammattatelli K, de Jonge M, Aftimos P, Dumez H, Sleijfer S
Eur J Cancer (2022), 169 (135-145)
Nerviano Medical Sciences S.r.l.
Viale Luigi Pasteur 10
20014 Nerviano (MI)
Share Capital: € 1,200,000.00
fully paid-in
Company subject to the management and coordination of NMS Group S.p.A.